

How To Prevent Hair Loss From Dandruff?

How To Prevent Hair Loss From Dandruff?


Dandruff is a common scalp condition that leads to tiny dry flakes of your scalp falling off, which are more noticeable on the shoulders, especially when you wear dark clothes. Dandruff can also cause your scalp to dry out further and make it itch. A lot of people suffer from dandruff at some point in their life.

Dandruff Not only causes us uncomfortable due to the itchiness and soreness, it can also be embarrassing socially. But does dandruff also cause hair fall? Many people with dandruff have gone on to develop hair fall issues, but is dandruff directly responsible? Well, read on to know the answers to all your questions.

Does Dandruff Cause Hair Fall?


Most people with untreated dandruff also experience hair fall after some time. So while dandruff does cause an itchy scalp and irritated skin, does dandruff also cause hair fall?

No. In most cases, there is no evidence of hair fall induced as a result of dandruff. However, most people with severe dandruff and irritated scalp may constantly get the urge to scratch their heads. In the process, it can damage the hair follicles and cause them to loosen up with time. This can be one of the reasons for shedding more than normal hair for people with dandruff. Although this does not lead to an abnormally large amount of hair fall or baldness , it can become an issue for people with more severe conditions like androgenetic alopecia (AGA).

However, with proper treatment and the use of specific products to treat dandruff, this hair loss can be limited and reduced.

How to Treat Hair Fall Due to Dandruff?


For a mild case of dandruff, start by using a gentle and clarifying shampoo. This will help to remove oil, dead skin cells, and other build-ups on your scalp. For severe dandruff, use a medicated shampoo meant specifically for dandruff two to three times, depending on the type of your hair and the severity of your dandruff.

Dandruff shampoos can be drying on the hair, especially for those who already have dry hair and scalp. In such cases, it is best to use a more moisturizing shampoo for the scalp or follow up a medicated dandruff shampoo with a conditioner to make the hair less parched. For a better understanding of which shampoo is suitable for your hair type, consult a dermatologist who might prescribe one that is best suited for you. Some common dandruff shampoos are:

1. Salicylic acid shampoos: These will help eliminate scaling and reduce itchiness and irritation of the scalp.

2. Ketoconazole shampoos: One of the most commonly prescribed dandruff shampoos, it works by killing fungi that causes dandruff on the scalp.

3. Tar-based shampoos: These shampoos work by slowing down dying skin cells that produce skin flakes. This is, however, not prescribed to those with light-colored hair as it may cause discoloration. Also, it is of utmost importance to protect your hair from the sun after using this shampoo.

4. Pyrithione zinc shampoos: With antibacterial and antifungal properties, this moisturizing shampoo will treat the underlying cause of dandruff and heal the scalp over time. One of the best for people with dry and dandruff-prone hair.

5. Fluocinolone Shampoos: Another anti-dandruff shampoo suitable for chronic dandruff, this shampoo contains corticosteroid that controls irritation, itchiness, and flaking of the scalp.

Home Remedies to Treat Dandruff


Other than using medicated dandruff shampoos, it is also essential to treat any underlying cause of dandruff and follow some hair care remedies to keep dandruff and the resultant hair fall under control. Here are some simple ways you can follow to prevent dandruff:

Learn to manage stress: Stress can be a causative factor to so many diseases and health conditions. It can also trigger hair fall, dandruff, or other skin inflammation if the stress is persistent. It is essential to manage stress along with any treatment for the hair. Without this, the effectiveness of any shampoo cannot be long-lasting.

Follow a healthy diet: An improper diet that lacks micronutrients like zinc, iron, vitamin B, and other essential minerals and fats can have a direct impact on your hair. With a proper balanced and healthy diet tackling dandruff will become easier.

Limit hair products: Putting too many hair products like hair sprays and gels etc., can build up over time ad irritate the skin. Limit the use of such products to avoid dandruff recurrence.

Sit in the sun: One of the most important yet overlooked nutrients for your body is Vitamin D. Your hair needs vitamin D for proper health and growth. Sit in the morning sun for some time, this will not just help with dandruff but also improve hair health.

Follow a suitable hair care routine: Whether you have an oily scalp or dry, regular shampooing will always go a long way in ensuring there is no build-up and dandruff in your hair. For keeping dandruff away, follow a hair care routine suitable to your hair type and keep your hair clean and nourished.


So, in conclusion, dandruff cannot be the sole reason for hair loss , but it can lead to itchiness and inflammation that makes the hair follicle prone to damage due to scratching and eventually cause hair fall. While your hair shedding may be a result of an underlying health condition or disease, dandruff can aggravate hair loss, and hence it is always better to treat it to prevent further hair fall.

An experienced doctor with your proper medical history and tests can help diagnose the reason for hair loss, and with proper treatment, hair products, routine hair care, and a balanced diet, managing hair fall can be possible with time.

Maintaining a healthy and stress-free lifestyle and nutritious meals are also very important for optimal hair care

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