

Food For Hair Growth

Foods That helps in Hair Growth


Fact: Everyone wants to have good hair!

This statement is true regardless of who the individual is or where they live. What a lot of people don't know, however, is that their rate of hair growth is greatly influenced by the type of diet they follow.

In today's article, we're going to highlight eight different ingredients that are absolutely necessary for long, healthy hair.

Different Ingredients Required To Enhance Hair Growth


1) Eggs

This product is a must-eat for long hair. Not only does it come packed with iron and protein, but it is also filled with biotin. The micronutrients present here work by strengthening and enhancing the infrastructure of keratin – the substance from which hair is created. Apart from this, the folate present in the eggs can also be used to intensify the strand’s shine.

Note: The yolk, not the white of the egg, contributes to hair growth.

2) Brazil Nuts

A rich source of zinc, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids, Brazil nuts offer many nutritional benefits. The ingredient is typically used to prevent hair loss , uplift the shine of the strand and promote hair growth. To garner the best results, we recommend eating these nuts daily.

Note: If Brazil nuts aren’t easily accessible in your location, we recommend swapping the same out for almonds or walnuts. These nuts showcase the same benefits and can go a long way in strengthening your strands and promoting hair growth.

3) Fatty Fish

Unlike other ingredients, fatty fish does not directly cause hair growth. However, it can prevent hair loss to a great extent. This is primarily because the vitamin D content in this ingredient is required to stimulate and strengthen one’s hair follicles (or hair roots as it is often called). Eating fatty fish like salmon, tuna, trout, herring, mackerel, and sardines is a great way to introduce this micronutrient into your diet. Besides vitamin D, these food items are also filled with omega-3 fatty acids, which play a huge role in protecting the strands and preventing hair breakage.

Note: As of today, the NHS (National Health Service) recommends having at least two portions of fatty/oily fish a week.

4) Berries

Believe it or not, fruits, especially acidic ones, are vital for your hair growth. Berries, for example, contain large quantities of vitamin C. This micronutrient is typically used by the body to enhance the blood circulation within the scalp and aid the blood vessels in feeding the hair follicles oxygen and other micronutrients. In most cases, a lack of vitamin C can result in severe hair breakage, eventually leading to hair loss.

Note: If you do not have access to berries in your area, we suggest opting for other citrus fruits like oranges, lime, lemons, and grapefruit.

5) Greek Yogurt

It is often said that calcium is important for bone health. But did you know that it also plays a huge role in hair growth? Brimming with both – calcium and protein, Greek yogurt is a great way to thicken your hair strands and further its growth. Alternatively, regular yogurt, paneer, milk, and cheese can also be consumed as they are all premium sources of calcium and protein.

Note: To ensure the best results, ingest at least two to three portions of dairy items every day.

6) Spinach

Like berries, spinach is a fantastic source of vitamin C. Furthermore, it is filled with a multitude of micronutrients such as folate, iron, and beta carotene – each of which promotes the circulation of oil within the scalp. The process keeps the hair follicles well hydrated, and this, in turn, enables the roots to develop stronger, more luxurious hair strands. Kale, swiss chard, and broccoli are also great options if you want to boost the levels of vitamin C in your body.

Note: As of today, most specialists recommend eating at least 40mg of vitamin C daily. That said, please consult your doctor before doing so, as this recommendation depends on a variety of lifestyle factors.

7) Oysters

Interestingly, oysters showcase the largest amount of zinc per serving when compared to other food items. This micronutrient is considered to be an essential trace element which means that it is not created by the body and therefore needs to be received from outside sources. It is typically used to maintain the strength of hair follicles, thereby promoting hair growth.

8) Sweet Patato

Last but not least on this list is the sweet potato. Packed with iron, vitamin C, beta carotene, and folate, this ingredient intensifies the rate of one’s hair growth by improving the circulation on one’s scalp.

While the above-mentioned ingredients can improve your hair growth, an excessive intake can result in hair fall. As such, we highly recommend speaking to your local dermatologist and dietician before making any changes to your diet.

We hope this article has helped you learn more about better hair nutrition!

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