

Does Onion Help In Hair Growth

Does Onion Help in Hair Growth

Onions have several health benefits in addition to enhancing the taste of a favorite recipe. It can help to regulate blood sugar, prevent some forms of cancer, and provide the necessary nutrients. As a lesser-known fact, it has been observed to have a positive impact on hair care.

Poor health of hair can be attributed to certain lifestyle choices, genetics, hormonal changes, and the environment. These can lead to the thinning of hair, dandruff, and ultimately - balding or hair loss. Hence, people have started using certain home remedies to help cope with the same. One such great example is onion juice and its benefits towards increased hair volume and growth.

Possible Benefits of Onion Juice for Hair Growth

Apart from oral intake, the application of onion juice directly on the scalp has shown to help in hair growth. This has been backed by a few conducted studies. Some of the potential reasons for its help in hair loss treatment includes:

1. Antioxidants

Rich in antioxidants, onions seem to help protect the hair from free radicals and environmental damage. This further helps to promote healthy hair development as well. In some instances, antioxidants have been seen as a contributing factor towards the prevention of grey hair and may even be able to reverse it.

2. Onion Contain Sulphur

Onions are further rich in other nutrients like sulphur. It is an essential mineral that may help to nourish and rejuvenate dormant hair follicles. Apart from that, it may aid in the prevention of hair thinning and breakage. Onions also include antifungal and antibacterial qualities. As a result, it has been known to help treat and prevent scalp infections, strengthen hair follicles, and encourage healthy hair development.

3. Provides Nutrients to Hair Follicles

As mentioned earlier, onions are rich in a variety of nutrients. Hence, onion juice may help to stimulate the scalp and improve blood circulation. It may help to ensure that the hair follicles receive the necessary nutrients and help to contribute towards hair growth.

Does Onion Really Help in Hair Growth?

According to a recent study, the application of onion juice to the scalp has provided positive results in hair growth in alopecia areata patients. However, enough evidence hasn't been collected to portray it as an absolute treatment for hair loss illnesses or baldness. There is little evidence to suggest whether it may reverse the effects or not.

Onions, as previously said, are high in sulphur. The increased sulfur content in onion juice helps to nourish the scalp and stimulate the growth of thick, strong hair. Onion juice also contains several additional nutrients that help to reduce hair breakage and promote shine and volume. Apart from that, onions are high in antibacterial and antifungal compounds, which help to keep your hair and scalp healthy.

How To Use Onion Juice To Prevent Hair Loss?

Using onion juice as a treatment for hair loss is relatively easy. Peel 3-4 onions and chop them roughly into small bits to make your onion juice at home. You can extract the juice by squeezing them or churning them into a paste in a blender. Squeeze the juice out of the paste using a cheesecloth.

You can use a cotton pad to dab the extracted juice directly on the scalp and around the hair roots. By adding a few drops of essential oil to the juice, you can mask the juice's strong odour. Essential oils such as rosemary, peppermint, lavender, almond, and coconut are excellent choices. You can also dilute the odour by combining the essential oils with a few drops of lemon juice.

Are There Any Side Effects of Using Onion Oil in Hair?

Although there are no known severe adverse effects of using onion juice on your hair, we do not advocate it if you are allergic to onions. Even if you aren't allergic to onions, keep in mind that onion juice might cause skin irritation, itching, and redness. Before using it, we recommend that you perform a patch test. To ensure it's not causing any irritation, dab a tiny bit of onion juice on your skin and wait a few minutes.

Ensure the onion juice does not drip into your eyes while applying it, as it might cause irritation and burning. If this happens, rinse your eyes with cool water.


To summarize, only a few studies show onion juice to be beneficial for hair regeneration. While it may work for some, it may not work for others. Before utilizing onion juice, remember that it may not provide a rapid or miracle solution to your hair loss. It may take several weeks to notice any substantial improvements, as it does with other hair treatments.

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